In House

Danny or one of his certified, senior trainers come to your office and show you what happens when fresh eyes size up your firm. Training sessions tailored to your niche, audit of procedures and technology, strategies for growth and succession. Sole practitioners to 100 desk operations.

Our IN-HOUSE trainers come to you! Programs are flexible based on your unique needs! We back them up with tele/web conferencing to make sure your company gets results from our visits. Many of our IN-HOUSE clients have worked with Danny for a decade.

Some Popular Recruiter Programs

1. Skill Enhancing Seminars
... Client Development, Recruiting Calls (often made live) Closing...You pick the subject base on your office's need. (1/2 day, 4 hours)

2. Observational Audit
...You let us roam your office. And ask questions, and interview everyone. We follow the paper/E trail. We find out what systemic changes you need to make. This "fresh eyes" approach works so well Danny has other trainers come into his office to do it for his own firm. You get a written recommendation based on findings. (one day, 6 hours)

3. ICU
...Danny's famous "intensive care." You have a recruiter who used to perform well but is failing and losing confidence, a superstar gone south, a gifted rookie who hasn't broken through. We sit with them EVERY minute of the day.

4. Rookie Retreat
... The entire contemporary placement process. Your rookies (or Senior People!) will leave the program and while they will not be polished at what they do, we promise they will know a) exactly WHAT to do, b) HOW to do it, and c) WHY they should do it. They'll be PUMPED!!

Manager Programs

1. Managing Senior Recruiters. How to structure your day, so you can produce and manage. Goal setting, ratios, how to compensate, when to terminate, and most importantly how to walk the fine line.

2. Between babysitting a Prima Donna and guiding a superstar producer.

3. Succession Planning.
Do you want to grow? How big? And why? Were you meant to manage or is that not you? What's your exit strategy? This program has created the peace of mind of a "gameplan" for many owners and managers. (1-2 days plus preliminary prep)The very Nature of IN-HOUSE means you can design your own program based on your situation. We have served solo acts and the largest franchises in the world. We have found that most of us, at the end of the day, share the same problems.

Contact Us or call at (203) 439-0267 for a free consultation on how IN-HOUSE can help your Business grow.



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